Posts Tagged ‘deseo’

It’s not about the wheels but about the wings you have


We are so absorbed by material objects that we forget many times that what really “drives” us in life is not a great car, a cool motorcycle, or even a wheelchair, but the desire to live no matter the circumstances, it is with our wings and how we use them what let’s us advance and reach whatever we want- elidealista

Constant: change


Este cortometraje me parece una excelente manera de confirmar que en esta vida la única constante es el cambio.
El problema que a todos nos sucede ocurre cuando no aceptamos esta realidad y nos aferramos a querer que algo
sea “para siempre”.
This short film seems to me an excellent example of how the only constant in life is change.
Our problems come when we can´t accept this truth and demand from what we want to remain unchanged forever.