Posts Tagged ‘help’

The story of a Man and a street


Have you ever thought how does it feel living on the streets? Have you done it, at least for a night? I mean actually sleeping on the street, and not because you were drunk but because you actually had no resources and/or no place to go to. Perhaps one night could be interesting, exciting or even a good story to tell about, but imagine for a moment that you actually ended up living on the streets, for whatever the reason, but you are there, trying to find a “warm” place, behind a door, inside a park, or even on the floor of an ATM (in case you are lucky and it is opened).

Well this happens every night, in every country, we all see these people, but sometimes ai feel that we are so used to their presence that either we take them for granted or we just avoid their presence by faking as if they weren’t there…. but they are.

For sure there might be a reason why they ended up there, but please, next time you see one, don’t avoid him or her, no matter what they did, I am sure they never desired to eneded up that way, just like you and me wouldn’t like that to happen to ourselves, so please, think of a way of helping them. Maybe you will think that throwing a coin is something, but actually it is not, because then they get used to begging. Instead, give them food, a shelter, an advice or as simple as an honest smile. Remember that person, if the circumstances were different, could have been you.

– elidealista

Mango is goooood


En esta ocasión no hablaré de un proyecto que está cambiando al mundo, sino de una persona que está haciendo lo mismo en su escala. Su nombre es Nico, Nicolas Mango, lo conocí virtualmente hace poco tiempo y al instante hubo una empatía total. Nico es Argentino y viaja por el mundo como Filántropo de profesión y vocación haciendo pequeñas, medianas y grandes acciones para mejorar la vida de las personas necesitadas. Si tienes oportunidad, entra a su sitio donde podrás encontrar algunas muestras de lo que ha hecho hasta ahora. Ojalá que su inquietud por mejorar su entorno te inspire a ti también para hacer lo propio en tu contexto. Su sitio:

—– This time I won´t talk about a project that is changing the world but about a person that is doing exactly that. His name is Nico, Nicolas Mango, I met him virtually not long ago and inmediatelly we had a total empathy on both sides. Nico is from Argentina, he travels all over the world as a professional & passionate Philantropist doing small, medium and large scale actions to improve people’s needs. If you have a chance get into his web site where you can find some examples of what he has done so far. I hope that his concern for helping his context inspires you to do the same in your own context. His site:

Il Mondo che Vorrei


Te puede gustar o no Laura Paussini, pero no pongo este video por ella sino por lo que dice. Es una canción dedicada a los niños que Unicef apoya. Ojalá si puedes, búsca a Unicef en tu ciudad y apoya a un niño en el mundo para cambiar su mundo. P.D. Si quieres leer la letra en italiano haz click aqui

—– You may like Laura Paussini or not, but I am not showing this video for her but because of what the lyrcis says. It is a song dedicated to the kids Unicef looks for. Please, if you can, look for the Unicef office in your city and help change the world of one kid. P.S. To read the italian lyrics click here

Photo: chourmo